Moving in 2 months & need to move ~400 bottles via /r/wine

Moving in 2 months & need to move ~400 bottles

So, I am moving up to Washington (from Southern California) which is quite the distance to haul ~400 bottles myself in a storage unit, especially in late June/ early July- I am a bit worried about the heat. Basically, I am looking for a business to come, take my bottles and move them up to an off-site facility in/around Vancouver/WA. My question to you guys is:

-Has anyone done this before with their personal collection?

-What was the process like (what I should I have prepared prior to the pick up)?

-How much did it cost?

-Any companies you'd recommend?

I know 400 bottles isn't really a lot of wine, but it's taken me a lot of time to amass this amount of wine, some of which has a lot of personal (as well as monetary) value. I just want what's best for my wine.

Submitted May 10, 2017 at 11:02AM by Oldpenguinhunter
via reddit

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